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A Research-Based Framework for Defining & Developing Expertise in Your Health Sciences Specialty

Date: Friday, May 21, 2021

Education Grand Rounds

Presented by:

Julie Miller-Cribbs, MSW, PhD
Oklahoma Medicaid Endowed Professor in Mental Health
Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma

Martina Jelley, MD, MSPH, FACP
Vice Chair of Research, Julian Rothbaum Chair of Community Health Research Fund, Professor of Medicine, Assistant Dean for Clinical Research
School of Community Medicine, University of Oklahoma Tulsa

Mary Isaacson, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA, ATP
Associate Professor, Program Director, Master of Occupational Therapy, Interim Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Director Professor Paws Project
College of Allied Health, University of Oklahoma

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the components of the Professional ACEs Informed Training for Heath (PATH) model
  2. Identify strategies for increasing student ACEs-related knowledge, sensitivity, and communication
  3. Assess and discuss real-world cases adapted for specified area with interprofessional panel of experts
  4. Identify strategies for the implementation of ACEs informed care in various disciplines
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