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EPIC: Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning Pilot Update

Date: Friday, April 17, 2015

Presented by:

Rhonda Sparks, M.D.,
Medical Director,
Clinical Skills Education and Simulation Center, 

Dale Bratzler, D.O., M.P.H.,
Professor and Associate Dean,
College of Public Health

Learning Objectives

1. Define and discuss the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Core Competencies and the value and utility of using these competencies in guiding OUHSC student educational activities.
2. Discuss the role of Interprofessional Education in training OUHSC students for collaborative clinical practices.
3. Reflect on the Empowering Patients through Interprofessional Collaboration (EPIC) project success on the OUHSC campus.
4. Engage in discussion groups to help forge Interprofessional relationships with professionals on the OUHSC campus

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