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Intentional Interdisciplinary Learning in the Classroom and Clinic: Developing a Mindful Curriculum for Collaborative Care

Date: Friday, January 21, 2022

Presented by:
Joanne Skaggs, MD, FACP
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
OUHSC College of Medicine

Carolyn Cheema, PT, DSc, OCS, FAAOMPT
Assistant Professor
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences OUHSC College of Allied Health

Learning Objectives
1. Discuss the current trend toward integrative care and the critical need to be intentional about training students to work in a collaborative and integrated environment
2. Identify perceived barriers that limit our ability to integrate interprofesional education (IPE) activities in the classroom/clinic setting
3. Compare and contrast ways to be intentional about IPE in the day-to-day classroom/clinical setting

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