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Piloting a Campus Foundational Didactic Teaching Certificate Program

Date: Friday, January 18, 2019

Presented by:

Melissa Medina, Ed.D.,
Professor and Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation,
OUHSC College of Pharmacy

Vesper Grantham, M.Ed., CNMT, RT(N),
Professor and Chair, Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences,
OUHSC College of Allied Health

Learning Objectives:

1. List the 6 subgoals of ASP Implementation Committee for Teaching and Educational Scholarship and Research (ASPi3).
2. Evaluate the proposed certificate programs to be introduced by the Academic Strategic Plan Implementation Committee.
3. State how the vision of the certificate programs meets the short and long-term subgoals of the Academic Strategic Plan.
4. Identify individuals who should be involved in the pilot foundational didactic certificate program and/or future programs.

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