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The Millennial Cohort as Learners: Part Once Understanding the Genration Expectation Gap

Date: Friday, January 20, 2017

Presented by:

Valerie N. Williams, PhD,
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Faculty Development

Shari Clifton, MLIS, AHIP,
Associate Director,
Bird Health Sciences Library

Learning Objectives

1. List common assumptions and attribution errors that can affect how faculty approach teaching the Millennial Generation
2. Distinguish between generation period, cohort and lifecycle effects
3. Compare generation cohort expertise and authority expectations
4. Compare generation cohort engagement expectations
5. Explain three strategy rationale non-Millennial educators can use to engage Millennial learners
a. Provide clear direction and structure
b. Role Model, Coach and Mentor
c. Engage and Provide Feedback

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